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House of Innovation


Nestled at the heart of PolyU, House of Innovation (HoI) is an easily recognizable landmark you can’t miss. Amidst the brick-red towers, this glass block is the Hall of Fame housing the epitomes of the University’s accomplishment in research and development. In fact, PolyU is the first local educational institution with a technology showroom located in the campus and it has received thousands of visitors yearly since its inception.


The foyer of the HoI features PolyU’s innovative research projects and exceptional achievements from various disciplines including Biotech and Healthcare, Construction and Environmental Technology, Design, Engineering and Physics, Hotel and Tourism Management, Humanities and Social Science, Information and Communications Technology. It also has three dedicated areas themed on Textile and Fashion, Space Exploration and Structural Health Monitoring Technology.


While world renowned Japanese architect Tadao Ando built the "Church of the Light" in Osaka prefecture, we have the "Wall of the Light" in the HoI. Light has always been a symbol of new idea and creative solutions; this is the concept behind this illuminated wall – to reveal the truth behind seemingly intimidating technologies. Those LED tubes on the “Wall of the Light” are not ordinary ones; they are the authentic creation by PolyU experts that uses less energy and emits more light than regular LED, turning a new page in energy conservation. This energy-saving breakthrough has already been licensed to a local company. It has once again testified PolyU's capability in knowledge transfer for the betterment of the community.


Location: G/F, Core P, PolyU



Dr. Robert Wright with FOCUSED Framework on Display

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